Love one another deeply as brothers and sisters.
Outdo one another in showing honor.
Do not lack diligence in zeal;
be fervent in the Spirit;
serve the Lord.
Rejoice in hope;
be patient in affliction;
be persistent in prayer. 
Romans 12:10-12

These three verses are jam-packed full with short practical exhortations. It seems like almost every phrase could serve as a daily motto for camp life. Read through the verses again one phrase at a time. I would guess that at least one of them is relevant to you right now—maybe even all of them. 

However it’s the last phrase that I’d like to zoom in on today—be persistent in prayer.

In everything we’re called to do as Christians and in every task we face today we should approach it with a persistence in prayer. This obviously implies more than just a morning checklist prayer. You know what I mean, right? “God, please give me strength as I teach riflery. Please help me be more gracious to the annoying person on staff. Please give me wisdom in caring for the homesick camper. And Lord, please bless the camp. Amen.” 

There’s nothing wrong with any of these requests, but this isn’t what Paul’s talking about.

To be persistent in prayer refers more to our attitude throughout the day after we say, “Amen.” Are you truly relying on God’s strength and not your own as you’re teaching the riflery class, or is God not in your thoughts anymore? Do you cry out to God for grace the moment you see and interact with that annoying person on staff? Are you continually in a state of dependence on God for wisdom to help the homesick camper? 

Do you see the difference? The key attitude is dependence. 

There was a period of time when I discovered that my prayers were short and superficial. By God’s grace he showed me that what was really in my heart was an attitude of self-sufficiency. How about you? What does prayerlessness or lack of persistence in prayer say about your view of yourself? Or your need for God? What does it say about your love for others or your zeal for ministry?

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