The Need
As program directors at Camp Susque in Trout Run, Pennsylvania, Joel Rishel and Bill Klees began to realize that many counselors and staff were not in the habit of having personal devotions.
What they needed was not another staff training session on the importance and methods of personal devotions, but rather a resource tool to meet them where they were each day.
We looked around and couldn't find anything, so we decided to write our own in 1996. It was so well received that some people suggested that other camps might be interested in it.
So in 1997 we offered our first staff devotional book, SonRise, to other CCCA camps. We sent out one advertisement in the mail, and to our surprise 41 camps placed orders! We realized that there was a need for biblical resources for the edification of Christian camp staff.
Over the years we added a few other resources to help staff in their personal devotions and ministry.
And we added some devotional books just for campers.
Our Passion
Our Main Thing
But our main thing remains our staff devotional book, a new one produced each summer. We always name our staff devotional book after one of the names of Jesus Christ, because we want the focus all summer long to be on Jesus.
For Summer 2024, our staff devotional book will be called TRUE VINE!
Jesus himself said in John 15:1, “I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener.”