The kingdom of heaven is like a merchant in search of fine pearls.
When he found one priceless pearl, he went and sold everything he had and bought it.
Matthew 13:45-46
Why did you decide to work at camp this summer?
Perhaps you chose not to accept a higher paying job because you knew the great worth of investing in the lives of young people. Perhaps you’re sacrificing opportunities to hang out with your friends at home this summer because you value the Christian fellowship of the camp staff, and as much as you would like to be with friends, you would rather experience spiritual growth. Perhaps you skipped an internship that would look great on your resumé because you are more concerned about doing something that will count for God than boosting yourself. Whatever your reasons, most likely it’s because you made a value judgment of some sort.
Jesus told the parable at the top of this page about someone who made a value judgment. This parable describes those who are in the kingdom of heaven—believers in Jesus Christ who are going to be in heaven for eternity. The unique feature that this story highlights is that people in the kingdom of heaven value one thing more than anything else. That one thing—the pearl of great price—is Jesus Christ himself.
If you believe in Jesus and know that he died on the cross for your sins, then you should be like the guy in this parable. Are you willing to trade everything for Christ? Are you prepared to prioritize your relationship with Jesus even if it means sacrificing other things that you value and treasure?
Lovers of Jesus Christ are willing to sacrifice all for him, even their own lives. That’s what he did for us—he left his throne above, humbled himself, suffered and died in our place so that we could know the Father in heaven.
That’s what serving at camp this summer should be all about. Growing more in love with Jesus, learning to treasure him like the pearl of great price, and encouraging others to love him too.