But the Lord replied to Moses, “Now you will see what I will do to Pharaoh: because of a strong hand he will let them go, and because of a strong hand he will drive them from his land.”
Exodus 6:1
God declared to Moses that Pharaoh would let Israel leave Egypt, and that it was not going to be because Pharaoh was a nice guy with a kind heart. God revealed that it was going to be because of his strong hand. No matter how strong Pharaoh was or how much Pharaoh thought he was controlling the situation, the truth is that God is stronger.
God was controlling and directing it all along.
One of the themes that is woven through the Scriptures is that of God sovereignly guiding history to its final conclusion. God used the evil Assyrians and Babylonians to accomplish his plans for Israel. He used the jealousy of the Jewish leaders to accomplish has plan of salvation (Acts 2:23). God directed a large fish to rescue Jonah, and he directed a small fish to produce a coin (Matthew 17:24-27). He directed clouds and rain, animals and humans. In fact there is no plan of his that can be thwarted (Job 42:2).
Whether you know it or not you are a part of God’s sovereign plan.
The mystery of God’s providence is that he chooses to use people to accomplish his plans to bring out about his glorious purposes. This means God is using you this summer to accomplish his perfect plans which may include leading a particular camper to Christ who will become a pastor or missionary. God may use a spoken word or an action observed to contribute to his great design in ways that you could never imagine.
Now how does God do that in conjunction with the choices of our will? Well that is a mystery too. Philippians 2:13 may help shed some truth on this. Paul wrote, “For it is God who is working in you both to will and to work according to his good purpose.”
Think about your decision to serve at camp. It was your decision, but the Bible also teaches that God worked in you to give you the desire and worked out all the details for you to attend.
God is stronger, and you are part of his amazing plan.